Psychotherapy & Counseling Services

Individual Treatment

Individual treatment is often termed as psychotherapy, and is meant to help people with their emotional issues, which can range in order of their severity or intensity. The main aim of this form of therapy is to change the quality of life by defining the path of life clearly, and bringing in more clarity. Whether it is the problem of repressed childhood that you are facing, or an emotional breakdown due to divorce, failure or loss of a loved one, we can help you revive your mental health through therapy.
There are many emotional issues that find a corner in our heart, and refuse to die down. With time, these issues can transform into a sort of emotional tumor that impacts negatively on our daily life, such as lack of concentration, enthusiasm, self respect, will to change, encouragement, and so on. These issues can spiral into our lives in various ways and get channeled into other zones, which can create problems in our relationships, professional life, and health. We collaborate with our clients to address the root cause of said issues.

Couples Therapy

A relationship goes through numerous phases during its life cycle, and it is obvious for it to have a few rough patches. The strength of a relationship is reflected in how the couples deal with rough patches and move ahead. The lifestyle of the people and the modern day thinking has changed the pattern of thinking of people in respect to relationships. This has turned the statistics for divorce and marriage upside down. We realize that divorce and separation might be inevitable in some dire situations.
We believe that love should be given a chance, and that relationships can be saved, if only the people involved take that first step and make that last ditch effort to save their relationship. And, this is where the couple therapy comes in. Our approach towards couples therapy is oriented towards establishing emotional connections, identifying strengths and areas for improvement in the couple’s relationships, and giving them tools to enrich their relationships while creating a trauma-informed environment conducive to co-regulation.

Pre-Marital Counseling

We are certified in PREPARE/ENRICH the leading relationship inventory and skill-building program used nationally and internationally. It is built on a solid research foundation and significantly improves a couple’s relationship. PREPARE/ENRICH is custom tailored to a couple’s relationship and provides couple exercises to build their relationship skills. We provide engaged couples with a certificate of completion that grants a discount on the marriage license in States like Georgia and Florida.

Family Counseling

Family members sometimes find themselves struggling to communicate effectively with each other; feelings get hurt; words get misconstrued, and before you know it tension builds and at times explodes within the family system. Family counseling is something that many families can benefit from to keep small problems from becoming large issues.
Family Counseling can help families recognize and work together towards a solution that works for all involved. Family members can learn how to listen actively and communicate needs and wants assertively. Siblings can learn to recognize and deal with rivalries that may exist as perceptions and feelings are explored and processed.

Clinical Supervison

We provide Clinical Supervision that is both Educational and Supportive. We establish a learning rapport between with our supervisee in which the supervisee learns to implement therapeutic skills while developing self- awareness. Our Service to Supervisee fosters the knowledge, skills, and attitudes important to clinical tasks by analyzing Supervisee’s interaction with the Clients in order to empower Supervisee in providing specific services to their clients. We are supportive in focusing on assisting Supervisee with increasing job performance by identifying and decreasing job related stress that interferes with work performance.


What Clients are Saying

I’ve known Tamara Noel for over 10 years and have benefited from her counseling services over the course the years. After speaking with her, I feel empowered to work through my issues and make sound and informed decisions about my life. She’s not only her clients’ biggest cheerleader, but will get in the game and guide you to the end zone when necessary. Tamara Noel is the first and only professional Therapist to which I will entrust my mental and emotional wellness.

Former Client

Tamara has a very warm and healing voice which adds to her therapeutic skills and is very comforting for those with anxiety or in distress.

Former Client

Tamara Noel is an answer to prayer! Her professional but personal approach to therapy has been the balance I needed at this time in my life. Her insight and practical exercises are giving me the necessary tools to deal with the obstacles I’ve been facing. Her dedication to her craft make her easy to talk to and I’m definitely in a better place!

Former Client

I know Tamara Noel to be a higly Skilled and multi talented Professional who has and will continue to help many individuals and families. Hopefully she travels to hold seminars and conferences as well. I would love to book a women’s conference.

Insurance and Social Service Provider

One of Dr. Noel greatest strengths is her deep understanding of clinical frameworks and her practical application. Dr. Noel has provided resources that embody culturally sensitive, trauma-informed, and ethically sound evidence-based data. Beyond her expertise, Dr. Noel demonstrates an unparalleled level of empathy and compassion. She approached every interaction with genuineness and respect, creating a safe space.

From former supervisee

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