Speaking Engagements

Keynote Speaking

Our team is a collection of highly skilled and well trained orators who can spark lasting change using a very engaging teaching style while delivering a riveting keynote address on overcoming the past and living a victorious trauma-informed life. Our personalized message and carefully crafted approach is both captivating and informative.

We specialize in speaking on the following topics:

Engage Tamara for your next event!

Speaking Topics




Event Topics/Audiences

Women's Retreats/ Conferences/ Events
Inspirational/ Motivational Events
Mental Illness Awareness Events
Bible Study Events
Young Mom's Events
Leadership Events
Couple Events
Educational Events
Youth & College Events
Music Events
Outreach/ Mission Events

Our Promise

Tamara skillfully combined her 20 years of experience delivering mental health services with her singing abilities, and her unwavering faith in the perfect love of Jesus Christ to help others keep their sanity while navigating the many challenges of life.
At 6 years, Tamara discovered that her God-given singing ability had the power to soothe pain in her life; therefore to fight demons such as hunger, fear, rejection, stress, worry, loneliness and/or doubt, Tamara sang. Mrs. Martinez Jovin, her first Sunday School teacher, gave Tamara an assignment to sing to her peers of “Classe Espoir” every Sunday. Thus, Tamara learned that the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all” 1 Corinthians 12:7
Since then, Tamara has been meeting men, women, couples, youth, and families at their point of need equally sharing in their celebrations and griefs wearing many hats such as that of a Residential Consultant, an Intensive In-Home Services Leader, a Foster Care/Adoptions Super- visor, an In-Patient Psychiatric Social Worker, including Forensics Psy-chiatry, and a Mental Health Therapist. Over the years, she has also served in the capacity of a Worship Leader, a Prayer Coordinator, a Teacher, A Church Administrative Assistant, a Booking Agent, and an Outreach Coordinator.
In response to the calling in Isaiah 61 to comfort those who mournin Zion, Tamara founded L’Amour Parfait Ministries, Inc. to be a support system to the body of Christ. Tamara is also the Chief Executive Of ficer of the Wisdom Solutions of the CSRA, LLC, an office of Mental Health and other related Services providing Individual and Family Therapy, Pre-Marital and Marital Counseling. In addition, Tamara has served on the advisory board of organizations such as Go-Haiti Gener-ations of Hope, Tabernacle of Glory, and she has travelled extensively to her native land of Haiti sharing her expertise in trauma, child wel-fare, family and relationship issues, and supporting the Sarah Cares Day initiative, a ministry of her young daughter, Sarah.
Tamara’s slogan, Safe and Sound in His love, stemmed from two of her favorite Bible verses, “There is no fear in love, perfect love cast out fear,” & “Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed.” Re-spectively from 1 John 4:18 and Lamentations 3:22. Tamara lives in Augusta, GA with her husband, Gelin Noel, a highly skilled, and anointed musician, song writer, and producer. Together they have two amazingly beautiful daughters, Sarah and Hannah. With the Sup-port and covering of her husband, Tamara remains committed to Em-powering Others to their Ultimate Potential.

A few groups who have engaged Tamara


What Clients are Saying

I’ve known Tamara Noel for over 10 years and have benefited from her counseling services over the course the years. After speaking with her, I feel empowered to work through my issues and make sound and informed decisions about my life. She’s not only her clients’ biggest cheerleader, but will get in the game and guide you to the end zone when necessary. Tamara Noel is the first and only professional Therapist to which I will entrust my mental and emotional wellness.

Former Client

Tamara has a very warm and healing voice which adds to her therapeutic skills and is very comforting for those with anxiety or in distress.

Former Client

Tamara Noel is an answer to prayer! Her professional but personal approach to therapy has been the balance I needed at this time in my life. Her insight and practical exercises are giving me the necessary tools to deal with the obstacles I’ve been facing. Her dedication to her craft make her easy to talk to and I’m definitely in a better place!

Former Client

I know Tamara Noel to be a higly Skilled and multi talented Professional who has and will continue to help many individuals and families. Hopefully she travels to hold seminars and conferences as well. I would love to book a women’s conference.

Insurance and Social Service Provider

One of Dr. Noel greatest strengths is her deep understanding of clinical frameworks and her practical application. Dr. Noel has provided resources that embody culturally sensitive, trauma-informed, and ethically sound evidence-based data. Beyond her expertise, Dr. Noel demonstrates an unparalleled level of empathy and compassion. She approached every interaction with genuineness and respect, creating a safe space.

From former supervisee

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